The Global Trivium Community

 Global Trivium Community

  Global/US/UK Online Quizzes & Trivia
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Want to play Live hosted audio music quizzes? Don't want to download audio software? No problem.

You can hear what's going on in the Global Trivium Audio room from here. Just come to this page, turn up your speakers, minimize this window and play the quizzes in the Games - Global Trivium Quiz room as normal.
Do NOT leave this page or you will lose the audio signal which plays in the background of this page.

We try to maintain a g-rated (family friendly) room, please read our room guidelines, thanks.
Please be patient and give a chance for the feed to load. Works best with Windows XP and above.
(If after a minute or two you still hear nothing then try refreshing this page on your browser [F5], hope that helps.)

Audio Quiz Times:

Dates and times of audio quizzes (see the Calendar for more details).
Live feed starts approx 30 minutes before quizzes commence.